Crecora National School
Principal’s Message
Fáilte romhaibh go léir chuig Scoil Craobh Chumhra.
Welcome to Crecora National School, a co-educational Catholic primary school, just outside Limerick City. We aim to provide a harmonious, secure, and caring environment where the individual needs of the pupils are identified and nurtured. We are an inclusive school. We promote a positive ethos and learning environment whereby all pupils, including those with special educational needs, feel welcome and experience a sense of community and belonging.
We are extremely proud of our newly extended school and the warm and welcoming learning environment. We believe in pupils, parents, and teachers working together as a community. We continually work as a committed team to ensure our children are equipped for the challenges of the future, as global citizens.
We have a wonderful parent community in Crecora, an invaluable resource over the years, and we very much appreciate the immense contribution of the members of successive Boards of Management and Parents’ Councils. The support, generosity, and hard work of our school community have been essential to the success of our school. We are also blessed with the support of our local community, who are an integral part of school life in Crecora.
Our school motto is ‘As síol a fhásann bláth’ – from the seed the flower grows. Crecora is a place where children are nurtured and cared for, creating an environment where each child can reach their full potential.
If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Is mise le meas,
Michael O Gorman
Useful Information
Our next school holiday is our Easter Break (Monday 14th April - Friday 25th April).
To see all of our remaining closed days please download a copy of our 2024-25 calendar.